Carnival Custom Painting endeavors to provide its customers with the finest workmanship possible. Our services are backed up by a 3-year warranty, guaranteeing that you are covered if our paint chips, peels or flakes as a result of workmanship. Any exceptions to this warranty that may arise on an individual project are disclosed on the estimate before we begin working.
Carnival Painting will not cover the following under our warranty: decks, horizontal surfaces, galvanized metals or caulk. Damage to paint caused by mildew, rust, or shifting or settling of the home will not be covered. Carnival Painting is not responsible for re-connecting electronics, phones or water lines on appliances. Front doors are not covered under any warranty. There is no warranty, expressed or implied, on any front door whether it is painted or stained and / or clear-coated.
This warranty only covers workmanship. The manufacturer, not Carnival Custom Painting, guarantees all paints, finishes and other products applied to surfaces. We do not cover peeling due to factors unrelated to workmanship. Foundation problems, rotting wood, and weather, including extreme blistering caused by heat, are not workmanship deficiencies.
Any defects in workmanship identified by the homeowner within three years of the job’s completion must be reported to Carnival Custom Painting in writing for the warranty to go into effect. Carnival Painting will inspect the defect(s) and repair paint, etc. where necessary. Damaged brick, metal, wood, masonite and all other substrates are not covered by the warranty. Carnival Custom Painting is only responsible for repairing defective areas and not any items or damages not warranted.
Unfortunately, due to soil conditions in the North Texas area, we cannot perform warranty work to repairs on wall cracks or corner bead cracks after 3 months. The sole remedy against Carnival Custom Painting shall be repairing the defective paint area and not any consequential damages to wood or anything else. This warranty is fully transferable.